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分類:導師信息 來源:內蒙古大學 2019-12-27 相關院校:內蒙古大學
楊波,女。2010年畢業于南京航空航天大學計算機學院獲得工學博士學位。2011年被內蒙古大學以高層次人才引進。主要從事模式識別、圖像視頻處理與理解、機器學習、數據挖掘等相關研究工作。已在包括Neurocomputing, PAAA,IJPRAI等SCI期刊在內的國際國內重要刊物和會議上發表論文10余篇,受到了國內外同行的關注。曾參與了多項國家級基金項目的完成。現擔任《Frontiers of Computer Science in China》與《模式識別與人工智能》的審稿人。
[1] Bo Yang , Songcan Chen, Sample-dependent Graph Construction with Application to Dimensionality Reduction, Neurocomputing, 74:301-314, 2010. (SCI)
[2] Bo Yang, Songcan Chen, Disguised Discrimination of Locality-based Unsupervised Dimensionality Reduction, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 24(7): 1011-1025, 2010. (SCI)
[3] Bo Yang , Songcan Chen, Xindong Wu, A Structurally Motivated Framework for Discriminant Analysis, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 14: 349–367, 2010. (SCI)
[4] Bo Yang, Dimensionality reduction based on SVM and LDA, and its application to classification technique, Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 26(4): 306-312, 2009. (EI)
[5] Bo Yang, The extension of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve to multi-class problems, the second ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management, 463-466, 2009. (EI)
[6] Bo Yang, SVM-induced dimensionality reduction and classification, the second International Conference on Intelligent Computing Technology and Automation, 275-278, 2009. (EI)
[7] Bo Yang, Double Regularized Discriminant Analysis, ETP/IITA World Congress in Applied Computing, Computer Science and Computer Engineering, 138-141, 2009. (EI)
[8] 楊波,秦鋒,程澤凱,用AUC評估分類器的預測性能,情報學報,26(2): 275-279, 2007.
[9] 楊波,秦鋒,程澤凱,一種新的分類系統評估度量,“數字安徽”博士科技論壇論文,2006.
[10] 秦鋒, 楊波,程澤凱,一種優于準確率的分類學習系統評估度量,WCICA06,5985-5989, 2006.
[11] 秦鋒, 楊波,分類器性能評價標準研究,計算機技術與發展,16: 85-88, 2006.
[12] 程澤凱,秦鋒, 楊波,貝葉斯網絡分類器結構學習:基于啟發式的G2算法,WCICA06,6010-6014, 2006.
[13] Zhipeng Xie, Duansheng Chen, Songcan Chen, Lishan Qi, Bo Yang, A tight support kernel for support vector, 6th International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, 460-464, 2008. (EI, ISTP)
《模式識別與人工智能》與《Frontiers of Computer Science in China》的審稿人
Email: csyb@imu.edu.cn