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分類:導師信息 來源:中國礦業大學(徐州) 2019-08-07 相關院校:中國礦業大學(徐州)
陳報章,男,1963年8月8日,研究員,博士生導師。加拿大大不列顛哥哥倫比亞大學博士,2009年6月入選中國科學院“百人計劃”回國。從2001年4月開始,先后就職于加拿大多倫多大學(University of Toronto)、大不列顛哥倫比亞大學 (University of British Columbia)和昆特蘭理工大學( Kwantlen Polytechnic University), 先后任博士后、合作研究員(Research Associate)和合同教授(Contract Professor)。曾獲第三屆中國青年地理科技獎、國際工程學會優秀研究生IET獎和加拿大NSERC的CGS獎學金(國家最高研究生獎學金)等20余項學術獎項。陳報章研究員已主持或作為骨干成員參加完成了加拿大NSERC、CFCAS 、中國國家自然科學基金、國家973、863和國家科技支撐重大項目等10余項科研項目。已在國內外30多個專業期刊上發表學術論文70余篇,其中SCI收錄論文近40余篇(第一或通訊責任作者近30篇,影響因子在3.0以上的近20篇)。在國際大型學術會議上做大會發言10余次。
主要學術成就:構建多個數值模擬模型 (集成陸面模型、一維大氣傳輸模型、溫室氣體通量和濃度足跡(footprint)模型、穩定碳同位素模型)和數據-模型同化反演系統;發展了地球表層系統研究中的從定量到系統集成的系列研究方法和技術,并應用于土壤-植被-大氣界面間關鍵過程(尤其是碳循環中的關鍵過程)的研究中。
聯系方式:010-64889574, Baozhang.Chen@igsnrr.ac.cn
陳報章研究員已主持或作為骨干成員參加完成了加拿大NSERC、CFCAS 、中國國家自然科學基金、國家973、863和國家科技支撐重大項目等10余項科研項目。已在國內外30多個專業期刊上發表學術論文70余篇,其中SCI收錄論文近40余篇(第一或通訊責任作者近30篇,影響因子在3.0以上的近20篇)。在國際大型學術會議上做大會發言10余次。
(1) SCI論文
45 Huifang Zhang, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), Guang Xu,Jianwu Yan, Mingliang Che, Jing Chen, Shifeng Fang, Xiaofeng Lin, Shaobo Sun (2015), Comparing simulated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration with GOSAT retrievals. Sci. Bull. 60(3):380–386.
44 Xianming Dou, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), T. Andrew Black, Rachhpal S. Jassal and Mingliang Che(2015),Impact of Nitrogen Fertilization on Forest Carbon Sequestration and Water Loss in a Chronosequence of Three Douglas-Fir Stands in the Pacific Northwest,Forests, 6, 1897-1921; doi:10.3390/f6061897.
43 Colin J Ferster, JA (Tony) Trofymow, Nicholas C Coops, Baozhang Chen and Thomas Andrew Black(2015),Comparison of carbon-stock changes, eddy-covariance carbon fluxes and model estimates in coastal Douglas-fir stands in British Columbia. Forest Ecosystems (2015) 2:13, DOI 10.1186/s40663-015-0038-3
42 W. Yan, J. Y. Liu, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), M. Feng, S. F. Fang, G. Xu, H. F. Zhang, M. L. Che, W. Liang, Y. F. Hu, W. H. Kuang, and H. M. Wang,(2014), Changes in the Land Surface Energy Budget in Eastern China over the Past Three Decades: Contributions of Land-Cover Change and Climate Change. J. Climate, 27, 9233–9252. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00492.1
41 Guang Xu, Hairong Zhang, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), Huifang Zhang, Jianwu Yan, Jing Chen, Mingliang Che, Xiaofeng Lin, Xianming Dou (2014), A Bayesian Based Method to Generate a Synergetic Land-Cover Map from Existing Land-Cover Products. Remote Sens. 2014, 6, 5589-5613.
40 Mingliang Che, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), Huifang Zhang, Shifeng Fang, Guang Xu, Xiaofeng Lin, Yuchen Wang (2014), A new equation for deriving vegetation phenophase from time series of leaf area index (LAI) data. Remote Sens. 2014, 6, 5650-5670.
39 G. Xu, H. F. Zhang, Baozhang Chen (* Corresponding author), H. R. Zhang, John L. Innes, G. Y. Wang, J. W. Yan, Y. H. Zheng, Z. C. Zhu, and Ranga B. Myneni (2014), Changes in Vegetation Growth Dynamics and Relations with Climate over China Landmass from 1982 to 2011, Remote Sensing, 6, 3263-3283.
38 J. Chen, H.F. Zhang, Z.R. Liu, M.L. Che, and Baozhang Chen (* Corresponding author) (2014), Evaluating parameter adjustment in MODIS gross primary production algorithm based on eddy covariance tower measurements, Remote Sensing , 6, 3321-3348.
37 H. F. Zhang, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), I. T. van der Laan-Luijkx, T. Machida, H. Matsueda, Y. Sawa, Y. Fukuyama, C. Labuschagne, R. Langenfelds, M. van der Schoot, G. Xu, J. W. Yan, L. X. Zhou, P. P. Tans, and W. Peters (2014), Estimating Asian terrestrial carbon fluxes from CONTRAIL aircraft and surface CO2 observations for the period 2006 to 2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, DOI 10.5194/acp-14-5807-2014,14, 5807-5824.
36 H. F. Zhang, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), I. T. van der Laan−Luijkx, G. Xu1, J. W. Yan1, L. X. Zhou, Y. Fukuyama, P. P. Tans, W. Peters (2014), Net terrestrial CO2 exchange over China during 2001-2010 estimated with an ensemble data assimilation system for atmospheric CO2, Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, 3500–3515, doi:10.1002/2013JD021297.
35 Baozhang Chen, Guang Xu, Nicholas C. Coops, Philippe Ciais, John L. Innes, Guangyu Wang, Ranga B. Myneni, Tongli Wang, Judi Krzyzanowski, Qinglin Li, Lin Cao, Ying Liu (2014), Changes in vegetation photosynthetic activity trends across the Asia–Pacific region over the last three decades, Remote Sensing of Environment, 144, 28–41.
34 Mingliang Che, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), John L. Innes, Guangyu Wang, Xianming Dou,Tianmo Zhou, Huifang Zhang, Jianwu Yan, Guang Xu, Hongwei Zhao (2014), Spatial and temporal variations in the end date of the vegetation growing season throughout the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau from 1982 to 2011, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 189– 190, 81– 90
. 33 Baozhang Chen, Huifang Zhang, Nicholas C. Coops, Dongjie Fu, Douglas E. J. Worthy, Guang Xu, T. Andy Black (2014),Assessing scalar concentration footprint climatology and land surface impacts on tall-tower CO2 concentration measurements in the boreal forest of central Saskatchew an, Canada, Theor Appl Climatol., 118:115–132.
32 Dongjie Fu, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), Huifang Zhang, Juan Wang, T. Andy Black, Brian Amiro, Gil Bohrer, Paul Bolstad, Richard Coulter, Faiz Rahmani, Allison Dunn, McCaughey Harry, Tilden Meyers, Shashi Verma (2014), Estimating landscape net ecosystem exchange at high spatial–temporal resolution based on Landsat data, an improved upscaling model framework, and eddy covariance flux measurements, Remote Sensing of Environment, 141, 90–104.
31 Jianwu Yan, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), Min Feng, Shifeng Fang, Guang Xu, Huifang Zhang, Dongjie Fu, Huimin Wang, G. Yu and Xiaomin Sun (2013) Research on land surface thermal-hydrologic exchange in Southern China under future climate and land cover scenarios, Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2013, Article ID 969145, 12 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/969145
30 Dongjie Fu, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), Juan Wang, Xiaolin Zhu and Thomas Hilker (2013), An Improved Image Fusion Approach Based on Enhanced Spatial and Temporal the Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model, Remote Sens., 5, 6346-6360; doi:10.3390/rs5126346.
29 Chen J., Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), T. A. Black, J. L. Innes, G. Wang, G. Kiely, T. Hirano, and G. Wohlfahrt (2013), Comparison of terrestrial evapotranspiration estimates using the mass transfer and Penman-Monteith equations in land surface models, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 118, 1715–1731, doi:10.1002/2013JG002446.
陳報章(中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所),《基于遙感的生態系統-大氣模擬系統[簡稱EASS模型] V1.0》(登記號:2012SR012680),中華人民共和國國家版權局,2012年2月。
陳報章(中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所),《溫室氣體通量和濃度足跡模擬系統[簡稱Footprint模型] V1.0》(登記號:2012SR012805),中華人民共和國國家版權局,2012年2月。