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分類:導師信息 來源:武漢理工大學材料科學與工程學院 2019-06-04 相關院校:武漢理工大學
2、交通部科技項目:瀝青路面紫外老化防治技術應用研究(2013 318 811 250), 2013.07.01~2015.06.30
3、武漢市科技計劃:高性能鋼渣瀝青混凝土生產關鍵技術研究與產業化(2013 010803010370), 2013.01.01~2014.12.30
4、科技部國家重大科學儀器設備開發專項項目:多功能路面材料全壽命分析儀的開發與應用(2013YQ160501), 2013.10.01 ~ 2016.09.30
1、Influence of aging on the evolution of structure, morphology and rheology of base and SBS modified bitumen.Construction and Building Materials,2009,23(2) : 1005-1010(SCI)
2、Ultraviolet and thermal aging of pure bitumen-comparison between laboratory simulation and natural exposure aging.Road Materials and Pavement Design,2008, 9: 103 -113(SCI)
3、Relationship between retrographical and physical properties of aggregates.Journal of Wuhan University of Technology -Materials Science,2010,96(25) : 678- 681(SCI)
4、Self healing capacity of asphalt binders.Journal of Wuhan University of Technology -Materials Science,2012,27(4):794-796(SCI)
5、Effect of LDHs on the aging resistance of crumb rubber modified asphalt.Construction and Building Materials,2014,67: 239-243(SCI)
6、Effect of ageing on fatigue properties of asphalt.Journal of Central South University of Technology,2008,15:111-114(SCI)
7、Investigation of rheological characteristics of carbon fiber modified asphalt binder.Key Engineering Materials,2014, 599: 182-186(EI)
8、Laboratory Study on Ultraviolet Radiation Aging of Bitumen.Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,2010,22(8):767-772(SCI)
2、 E-mail:lingpang@whut.edu.cn
1.Name:Pang Ling
2.Brief introduction:
1)Date of birth:1963-11-08
2)Degree: PhD
3)Title: Associate professor
4)Working department: School of science
3.Education experience(after entering university):
1981.09~1985.06 ,Wuhan University of Technology, Bachelor
2005.09~2008.05, Wuhan University of Technology, PhD
4.Working experience:
1985.07~2005.08, Building Materials Industry Research and Design Institute of Hubei Province
2008.07~, School of Science ,Wuhan University of Technology
5.Research field(no more than 3): Road materials
6.Research project(no more than 5):
[1] Key technologies for life cycle design and preparation of multivariate composite gelled material, the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (“863” , No. 2013AA031602), 2013. 01.01~2015.12.30
[2] Stydy and application of UV aging resistance technique on asphalt paverment, the Science and Technology Plan Projects of the Ministry of Transport of China (No.2013 318 811 250), 2013.07.01~2015.06 .30
[3] Key techniques for the preparation and industrialization of high-performance steel slag based asphalt concrete, Wuhan Planning Project of Science and Technology (No.2013 010803010370), 2013.01.01~2014.12.30
[4] Development and application of the multifunctional life-cycle analyzer for road materials , supported by the National Key Scientific Apparatus Development Program from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (No. 2013YQ160501), 2013.10.01~2016.09.30
[5] Cooperative research on the self-healing technologies of asphalt concrete and their applications on asphalt pavement, the International Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China (No. 2013DFE83100), 2013.12.01~2016.11.30
7.Representative papers and works(no more than 10):
1) Influence of aging on the evolution of structure, morphology and rheology of base and SBS modified bitumen. Construction and Building Materials,2009,23(2): 1005-1010(SCI)
2) Ultraviolet and thermal aging of pure bitumen-comparison between laboratory simulation and natural exposure aging. Road Materials and Pavement Design,2008, 9: 103 -113(SCI)
3) Relationship between retrographical and physical properties of aggregates. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology -Materials Science,2010,96(25) : 678 – 681(SCI)
4) Self healing capacity of asphalt binders. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology -Materials Science,2012,27(4): 794-796(SCI)
5) Effect of LDHs on the aging resistance of crumb rubber modified asphalt. Construction and Building Materials,2014, 67: 239-243(SCI)
6) Effect of ageing on fatigue properties of asphalt. Journal of Central South University of Technology,2008,15:111-114. (SCI)
7) Investigation of rheological characteristics of carbon fiber modified asphalt binder. Key Engineering Materials,2014, 599: 182-186(EI)
8) Laboratory Study on Ultraviolet Radiation Aging of Bitumen. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,2010,22(8):767-772(SCI)
9)《aging and aging resistance of asphalt materials》. Wuhan University of Technology Press,2012.
8.Contact information:
1) Tel:
2) E-mail: lingpang@whut.edu.cn
3) Location of lab: State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures, Room 515