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分類:導師信息 來源:北京理工大學 2019-05-31 相關院校:北京理工大學
E-mail: liusir@bit.edu.cn; liuruibin8@gmail.com;
2003/8-2007/5 中國科學院物理研究所,凝聚態物理,博士;
2002/5-2003/5 國家天文臺 LAMOST項目組;
2000/8 - 2003/8 長春光機學院,非線性光學,碩士;
1995/9 - 1999/6 長春光機學院,光學,學士。
2009/9 - 至今 北京理工大學,物理學院,副教授;
2013/5-2013/6 德國杜伊斯堡大學Michael Farle組訪問;
2008/8-2009/9 美國亞利桑那州立大學,電子工程系,訪問學者合作導師寧存政;
2007/12 - 2008/5 國家納米中心短期研究。
激光光譜學與技術、光與低維半導體納米結構相互作用、時間分辨發光動力學等方向,包括微納激光器、激光誘導擊穿等離子體光譜、新型光電器件與系統等研究,已在新型納米基片探測器及可調激光,亞波長尺度激光器以及新型多功能光電器件、增強激光誘導擊穿光譜技術等方面取得了多項研究成果。精通各種光譜測試系統集成,開發了基于激光技術的全元素快速檢測分析儀,已應用于華電國際所屬電廠。先后主持國家自然科學基金面上、青年項目,科技部重點研發計劃子任務、北京市創新項目等。相應的結果先后在Nanolett.,Adv. Func. Mater.,ACSnano,Optical Express,APL等雜志上發表文章80余篇,總引用次數超過2000次,授權發明專利5篇,H-因子 26。
【1】Yan Hao, Shuai Guo, Dieter Weller, Min Zhang, Chunjie Ding, Ke Chai, Lingling Xie, Ruibin Liu
* et al . Advanced Functional Materials . 2019. 29. 1805967.
【2】Guo Shuai, Liu Ruibin* et al, . Advanced Optical Materials . 2018, 6 (17), 1800305
【3】Wang Xianshuang, Liu Ruibin*,Zou Bingsuo et al. Accuracy enhancement of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy by safely low-power discharge, Optics Express , 2018.05,13973-139784
【4】Nan pengfei, Liu Ruibin* et al. Microscopic study of thermoelectric In-doped SnTe, Nanotechnology , 2018, 29(26): 26LT01
【5】Huang Shiqi,Liu Ruibin* et al.
The realization of isotropic multiplexing diffraction patterns and polarization property by two-dimensional imprinting silica periodic photonic crystals. Physica E . 2018, 105, 202-206
【6】Wang Xianshuang, Liu Ruibin* et al,
Lithium ion detection in liquid with low detection limit by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy Applied Optics 58. 422-427 (2019) .
【7】徐向君,王憲雙,李昂澤,劉瑞斌* 基于激光誘導擊穿光譜的茶葉品種快速分類研究. 中國激光 , 2019, 46(3):0311003.
【8】王憲雙,郭帥,徐向君,李昂澤,何雅格,郭偉,劉瑞斌*,張緯經,張同來.基于激光誘導擊穿光譜和拉曼光譜對四唑類化合物的快速識別和分類實驗研究. 中國光學 , 2019,已錄用.
【9】Ruibin Liu*、Zi-An Li、Chunhua Zhang、Xiaoxu Wang、Muhammad A. Kamran、Michael Farle、Bingsuo Zou*, Nanoletters , 2013,13(6), 2997-3001.
【10】Li An, Guo Shuai, Liu Ruibin* et alAccuracy Enhancement of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectra Using Permittivity and Size Optimized Plasma Confinement Rings, Optical Express 25: 27559-2756(2017)
【11】Ya Li, Fangyin Zhao, S Guo, Y Zhang, C Niu, R Zeng, Bingsuo Zou, W Zhang, K Ding, Ruibin Liu* ,Optically programmable encoder based on light propagation in two-dimensional regular nanoplates Nanotechnology ,2017,28(14), 145701.
【12】Ruibin Liu, L. J. Shi, B. S. Zou ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 2014, 6,10353-66
【13】Liangwei Wang, Shuai Guo, K Chai, L Liang, A Li, F Zhao, Y Li, Ruibin Liu*,Two-dimensional hexagonal symmetry diffraction pattern by SiO2 photonic structures fabricated by hot embossing Functional Materials Letters , 2017,1750031.
【14】Li, Ya.; Guo, S.; Zhao, F.; Li, A.; Chai, K.; Liang, L.; Liu, Ruibin.* Reduction of lasing threshold by protecting gas and the structure dependent visual lasing mode of various CdS microstructures. Opt. Express 2016, 24, 26857-26866.
【15】李安,劉瑞斌*. 激光誘導擊穿光譜增強機制及研究進展[J]. 中國光學 , 2017 10 (5): 619-640,2017.
【16】李安,劉瑞斌*. 新型便攜式激光誘導擊穿光譜系統綜述. 中國光學 ,4(10), 2017.
【17】Guo, S.; Zhao, F. Y.; Li, Y.; Song, G. L.; Li, A.; Chai, K.; Liang, L.; Ma, Z.; Weller, D.; Liu, Ruibin.* Appl. Phys. Lett. 2016, 109, 162101.
【18】Guo, S.; Niu, C.; Liang, L.; Chai, K.; Jia, Y.; Zhao, F.; Li, Y.; Zou, B.; Ruibin Liu* The polarization modulation and fabrication method of two-dimensional silica photonic crystals based on UV nanoimprint lithography and hot imprint. Scientific Reports 2016, 6, 34495.
【19】GL Song, S Guo, XX Wang, ZS Li, BS Zou, HM Fan, Ruibin Liu* , Temperature dependent Raman and photoluminescence of an individual Sn-doped CdS branched nanostructure New Journal of Physics ,2015,17(6), 063024.
【20】Shuai Guo, Z Li, G Song, B Zou, X Wang, Ruibin Liu *,Large-area photodetector with high-sensitivity and broadband spectral response based on composition-graded CdSSe nanowire-chip, Journal of Alloys and Compounds ,2015,649, 793-800.
【21】Xiaoxu Wang, Wensheng Zhang, Guangli Song, Bingsuo Zou, Zhishuang Li, Shuai Guo, Jing Li, Qisong Li, Ruibin Liu* Visual Monitoring of Laser Power and Spot Profile in Micron Region by a Single Chip of Zn Doped CdS Nanobelts, RSC Advances , 2014, 4, 52550-52554.
【22】Wang X, Li J, Li Q, Chen B, Song G, Zhang W, Shi L, Zou B, Liu Ruibin*. Yellow-light generation and engineering in zinc-doped cadmium sulfide nanobelts with low-threshold two-photon excitation, Nanotechnology 2014, 25, 325702.
【23】Muhammad Arshad Kamran, RuiBin Liu*, Li-Jie Shi, BingSuo Zou*, Qinglin Zhang,J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117, 17777-17785.
【24】Ruibin Liu、Xiujuan Zhuang、Jinyou Xu、Debin Li,、Qinglin Zhang、Kang Ding、Pengbin He、Cunzheng Ning、Bingsuo Zou,、Anlian Pan* Applied Physics Letters, 2011,99(26), 1-4
【25】Anlian Pan, Ruibin Liu, M. H. Sun and Cunzheng. Ning, Spatial Composition Grading of Quaternary ZnCdSSe Alloy Nanowires with Tunable Light Emission between 350 and 710 nm on a Single Substrate, ACS Nano, 4(2), 671-680(2010).
【26】Anlian Pan, Ruibin Liu, M. H. Sun and Cunzheng. Ning Quaternary Alloy Semiconductor Nanobelts with Bandgap Spanning the Entire Visible Spectrum, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131(27), 9502-9503 (2009).
【27】A. L. Pan, W. C. Zhou, E. S. P. Leong, Ruibin Liu, A. H. Chin, B. S. Zou and C. Z. Ning, Continuous Alloy-Composition Spatial Grading and Superbroad Wavelength-Tunable Nanowire Lasers on a Single Chip, Nano lett., 9(2) , 784-788(2009).
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