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分類:導師信息 來源:西南大學 2018-08-30 相關院校:西南大學
主要從事植物系統學、保護生物學、資源植物學等學科及領域的科學研究及教學工作。先后主持國際合作、國家級、省部級及地方應用項目100余項。對于中國西南部尤其是自然保護區建設、管理與評價,生物多樣性現狀、珍稀及重點保護物種、珍貴資源植物保護開發與利用,生物安全等方面有深入研究。先后在《PHYTOTAXA》、《American Journal of Plant Sciences》、《Nordic Journal of Botany》、《Spectrochimica Acta》、《植物學報》、《生態學報》、《園藝學報》、《水生生物學報》、《中國中藥雜志》等重要核心期刊發表論文140余篇;發現植物新種多個,如巫溪蝦脊蘭、巫溪鐵線蓮、白沙鳳仙花等;在科學出版社等出版專著及教材10余部,如《重慶縉云山國家級自然保護區植物多樣性研究》、《貴州赤水桫欏國家級自然保護區生物多樣性》、《重慶大巴山國家級自然保護區生物多樣性》、《重慶珍稀瀕危代表物種保護現狀及對策研究》等。先后獲重慶市科學技術獎三等獎、重慶市科技進步獎三等獎各一項;重慶市教改成果二等獎兩項、三等獎一項、西南大學教改成果獎一等獎、“西南大學名師”、“重慶市雛鷹計劃優秀指導教師”等獎項、榮譽和稱號。
Deng Hongping - Ph.D., professor, doctoral supervisor; dean-president of the School of Life Science, Southwest University; Chairman of the Chongqing Plant Society, Director of the China Botanical Society, and Vice President of the Chongqing Wildlife Conservation Society.
He is mainly engaged in scientific research and teaching work in such disciplines and fields as plant systems, conservation biology, and resource botany. He has successively conducted over 100 projects on international cooperation, national, provincial, and local applications. And he has carried out in-depth studies on the construction, management and evaluation of the southwestern China, especially on the nature reserves, the status quo of biodiversity, rare but well-protected species, the conservation and exploitation of precious resources plants, and biosecurity. Till now, he has published more than 140 papers in core journals such as "PHYTOTAXA", "American Journal of Plant Sciences", "Nordic Journal of Botany", "Spectrochimica Acta", " Bulletin of Botany ", " Acta Ecological Sinica ", " Acta Horticulturae Sinica ", " Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica " and " China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ". He has discovered new species of plants like Calanthe wuxiensis, Clematis wuxiensis, Impatiens baishaensis et.. Over 10 monographs and textbooks of his have been published in science presses, such as the “Study on plant diversity of Chongqing Jinyun Mountain National Nature Reserve”, “Biodiversity of the National Nature Reserve in Chishui, Guizhou” , “Biodiversity of the National Nature Reserve in Dabba Mountain, Chongqing” and " The present situation and counter measures of rare and endangered species protection in Chongqing". Besides, he has won the third prize of Chongqing Science and Technology Prize and the third prize of Chongqing Science and Technology Progress Award; Chongqing educational reform achievement first prize, second prize, third prize, " Southwest university master", " Chongqing young eagle project excellent advisor" and other awards, honors and titles.