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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2018-08-20 相關院校:中科院金屬研究所
< 聯系方式 >
< 教育和工作經歷 >
南開大學,經濟學院,金融系,經濟學學士 (雙學位)
京都大學,日本學術振興會外國人特別研究員(JSPS Fellow)
< 榮譽及獎勵 >
日本學術振興會外國人特別研究員(JSPS Fellow),2012年
< 研究方向 >
ç 劇烈塑性變形:ECAP、HPT、ARB等。
ç 金屬材料強韌化:Cu-Al合金、Cu-Zn合金、TWIP鋼、316L不銹鋼等。
ç 雙相復合材料:Cu-Ag原位復合材料。
ç 疲勞性能優化:金屬材料疲勞性能優化。
ç 高性能金屬材料制備:Cu合金、Ti合金、Al合金、鋼鐵材料等。
< 主要成果 >
以第一(通訊)作者身份在Acta Materialia (3篇),Scripta Materialia (5篇),Scientific Reports (2篇),Materials Research Letters (1篇),Materials Science and Engineering A (4 篇),Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2篇) 等SCI期刊上發表學術論文20余篇,被引用300余次。
< 在研項目 >
< 期刊論文 >
1. Peng Xue, Zhiye Huang, Beibei Wang, Yanzhong Tian, Wenguang Wang, Bolv Xiao and Zongyi Ma#, High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Ultrafine Grained Pure Cu with Stable Structure, Science China Materials 59 (2016) 531-537.
2. Lijia Zhao#, Nokeun Park, Yanzhong Tian, Shuai Chen, Akinobu Shibata, Nobuhiro Tsuji, Novel thermomechanical processing methods for achieving ultragrain refinement of low-carbon steel without heavy plastic deformation, Materials Research Letters 4 (2016) in press.
3. Rui Liu, Yanzhong Tian#, Zhenjun Zhang, Xianghai An, Peng Zhang, Zhefeng Zhang#, Exceptional high fatigue strength in Cu-15at.%Al alloy with moderate grain size, Scientific Reports 6(2016) 27433. (通訊作者)
4. Y.Z. Tian#, L.J. Zhao, N. Park, R. Liu, P. Zhang, Z.J. Zhang, A. Shibata, Z.F. Zhang, N. Tsuji, Revealing the deformation mechanisms of Cu-Al alloys with high strength and good ductility, Acta Materialia 110 (2016) 61-72.
5. Yanzhong Tian#, Akinobu Shibata, Zhefeng Zhang, Nobuhiro Tsuji, Ductility sensitivity to stacking fault energy and grain size in Cu-Al alloys, Materials Research Letters 4 (2016) 112-117.
6. H.K. Yang, Y.Z. Tian#, Z.J. Zhang, Z.F. Zhang#, Different strain rate sensitivities between Fe-22Mn-0.6C and Fe-30Mn-3Si-3Al twinning-induced plasticity steels, Materials Science and Engineering A 655 (2016) 251-255. (通訊作者)
7. Y.Z. Tian#, L.J. Zhao, S. Chen, A. Shibata, Z.F. Zhang, N. Tsuji#, Significant contribution of stacking faults to the strain hardening behavior of Cu-15%Al alloy with different grain sizes, Scientific Reports 5(2015)16707.
8. H. Li#, S. Gao, Y. Tian, D. Terada, A. Shibata, N. Tsuji, Influence of tempering on mechanical properties of ferrite and martensite dual phase steel, Materials Today: Proceedings 2S (2015) S667-671.
9. Y.Z. Tian#, Y. Bai, M.C. Chen, A. Shibata, D. Terada, N. Tsuji, Enhanced strength and ductility in an ultrafine-grained Fe-22Mn-0.6C austenitic steel having fully recrystallized structure, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (2014) 5300-5304.
10. S. Chen#, A. Shibata, L.J. Zhao, S. Gao, Y.Z. Tian, N. Tsuji, Microstructural evolution of metastable austenitic steel during high-pressure torsion and subsequent heat treatment, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 63 (2014) 012053.
11. Y.Z. Tian#, L.J. Zhao, S. Chen, D. Terada, A. Shibata, N. Tsuji, Optimizing strength and ductility in Cu-Al alloy with recrystallized nanostructures formed by simple cold rolling and annealing, Journal of Materials Science 49 (2014) 6629-6639.
12. Y.Z. Tian, Z.F. Zhang#, T.G. Langdon, Achieving homogeneity in a two-phase Cu-Ag composite during high-pressure torsion, Journal of Materials Science 48 (2013) 4606-4612.
13. Y.Z. Tian, J. Freudenberger, R. Pippan, Z.F. Zhang#, Formation of nanostructure and abnormal annealing behavior of a Cu-Ag-Zr alloy processed by high-pressure torsion, Materials Science and Engineering A 568 (2013) 184-194.
14. Y.Z. Tian, Z.F. Zhang#, Stability of interfaces in a multilayered Ag-Cu composite during cold rolling, Scripta Materialia 68 (2013) 542-545.
15. Y.Z. Tian, J.J. Li, P. Zhang, S.D. Wu, Z.F. Zhang#, M. Kawasaki, T.G. Langdon, Microstructures, strengthening mechanisms and fracture behavior of Cu-Ag alloys processed by high-pressure torsion, Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 269-281.
16. Y.Z. Tian, Z.F. Zhang#, Bulk eutectic Cu-Ag alloys with abundant twin boundaries, Scripta Materialia 66 (2012) 65-68.
17. Y.Z. Tian, S.D. Wu, Z.F. Zhang#, R.B. Figueiredo, N. Gao, T.G. Langdon, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of a two-phase Cu–Ag alloy processed by high-pressure torsion to ultrahigh strains, Acta Materialia 59 (2011) 2783-2796.
18. Y.Z. Tian, S.D. Wu, Z.F. Zhang#, R.B. Figueiredo, N. Gao, T.G. Langdon, Strain hardening behavior of a two-phase Cu-Ag alloy processed by high-pressure torsion, Scripta Materialia 65 (2011) 477-480.
19. Y.Z. Tian, S.D. Wu, Z.F. Zhang#, R.B. Figueiredo, N. Gao, T.G. Langdon, Comparison of microstructures and mechanical properties of a Cu–Ag alloy processed using different severe plastic deformation modes, Materials Science and Engineering A 528 (2011) 4331-4336.
20. D.R. Fang#, Y.Z. Tian, Q.Q. Duan, S.D. Wu, Z.F. Zhang, N.Q. Zhao, J.J. Li, Effects of equal channel angular pressing on the strength and toughness of Al–Cu alloys, Journal of Materials Science 46 (2011) 5002-5008.
21. Y.Z. Tian, X.H. An, S.D. Wu, Z.F. Zhang#, R.B. Figueiredo, N. Gao, T.G. Langdon, Direct observations of microstructural evolution in a two-phase Cu–Ag alloy processed by high-pressure torsion, Scripta Materialia 63 (2010) 65-68.
22. Y.Z. Tian, W.Z. Han, H.J. Yang, S.X. Li, S.D. Wu, Z.F. Zhang#, Shear banding observations in Cu–16 wt.% Ag alloy subjected to one-pass equal channel angular pressing, Scripta Materialia 62 (2010) 183-186.
23. Y.Z. Tian, Q.Q. Duan, H.J. Yang, H.F. Zou, G. Yang, S.D. Wu, Z.F. Zhang#, Effects of route on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Cu-8wt.%Ag alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 41 (2010) 2290-2303.
24. Y.Z. Tian, Z.F. Zhang#, Z.G. Wang, Cyclic deformation and fatigue cracking behaviors of Cu-28wt%Ag binary alloy, Philosophical Magazine 89 (2009)1715-1730.
25. Y.Z. Tian, Z.F. Zhang#, Microstructures and tensile deformation behavior of Cu–16 wt.%Ag binary alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A 508 (2009) 209-213.
26. 張哲峰#,張鵬,田艷中,張青科,屈伸,鄒鶴飛,段啟強,李守新,王中光(邀請綜述),金屬材料疲勞損傷的界面效應,金屬學報 45 (2009) 788-800.
< 會議論文 >
1. Y.Z. Tian#, S. Chen, L.J. Zhao, D. Terada, A. Shibata, N. Tsuji, Strain hardening behavior of Cu-Al alloy with a low stacking fault energy, 35th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science, Roskilde, Denmark, 2014, Sep.1-5, pp.455-462.
2. S. Chen#, L. Zhao, M. Chen, Y. Tian, S. Gao, A. Shibata, N. Tsuji, Tensile behavior of ultrafine-grained metastable austenite in an Fe-24Ni-0.3C alloy, 35th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science, Roskilde, Denmark,2014, Sep.1-5, pp.237-244.
3. L. Zhao#, N. Park, S. Chen, Y. Tian, A. Shibata, N. Tsuji, Nanostructured ferrite formation in low-carbon steel through thermo-mechanical controlled processing, 35th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science, Roskilde, Denmark, 2014, Sep.1-5, pp.529-536.
< 參加會議 >
1. Y.Z. Tian, N. Tsuji, Z.F. Zhang, Tensile deformation mechanisms of Cu-Al alloys with high strength and good ductility, THERMEC’2016, May 29-June 3, 2016, Graz, Austria (Invited).
2. Y.Z. Tian, D.R. Fang, S.D. Wu, Z.F. Zhang, Tensile strength and fracture behavior of Al-Cu alloy subjected to ECAP, 6th KIMS-IMR joint Symposium on light alloys, Sep.11, 2015, Shenyang, China (Invited).
3. Y.Z. Tian, S. Chen, L.J. Zhao, D. Terada, A. Shibata, N. Tsuji, Strain hardening behavior of Cu-Al alloy with a low stacking fault energy, 35th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science, Sep.1-5, 2014, Roskilde, Denmark.
4. Y.Z. Tian, D. Terada, A. Shibata, N. Tsuji, Optimizing strength and ductility in Cu-Al alloy with fine homogeneous recrystallized structure by simple cold rolling and annealing, 2014 TMS 143rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Feb. 16-20, 2014, San Diego, USA.
5. Y.Z. Tian, D. Terada, A. Shibata, N. Tsuji, Optimizing strength and ductility in Cu-Al alloy with fine homogeneous recrystallized structure by simple cold rolling and annealing, 2013 Fall Annual (153rd) Meeting of The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, Sep. 17-19, 2013, Kanazawa, Japan.
6. Y.Z. Tian, Z.F. Zhang, R.B. Figueiredo, N. Gao, T.G. Langdon, Homogenizing Process and Strain Hardening Behavior of a Two-Phase Cu-Ag Alloy Processed by High-Pressure Torsion (HPT), 2012 TMS 141st Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Mar. 10-15, 2012, Orlando, USA.
7. Y.Z. Tian, Z.F. Zhang, R.B. Figueiredo, N. Gao, T.G. Langdon, Investigation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a Cu-Ag alloy processed by ECAP and HPT, The 5th International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation, Mar. 21-25, 2011, Nanjing, China.
8. 田艷中,張哲峰, Tsuji Nobuhiro。高強高塑銅鋁合金變形機制研究,國家自然科學基金委員會第四屆(合肥)金屬材料青年論壇,2016.05.09-2016.05.10,合肥。
9. 田艷中,張哲峰。銅銀雙相合金強化機制及極值強度,第六屆海內外中華青年材料科學技術研討會暨第十五屆全國青年材料科學技術研討會,2015.10.16-2015.10.19,重慶(邀請報告)。
10. 田艷中,張哲峰。第十二屆全國青年材料科學與技術研討會,2009, 南京。
11. 田艷中,張哲峰。第三屆全國背散射電子衍射(EBSD)技術學術交流研討會,2008, 上海。