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分類:導師信息 來源:北京理工大學化學學院 2018-06-12 相關院校:北京理工大學
2015.11-至今 北京理工大學 化學與化工學院 博士生導師
2014.06-2015.06 美國埃默里大學 化學系 訪問學者
2010.07-至今 北京理工大學 化學與化工學院 副教授
2007.09-2010.07 北京理工大學 理學院 化學系 講師
2004.09-2007.08 北京理工大學 理學院 化學系 無機專業 博士
2001.09-2004.07 東北師范大學 化學學院 有機專業 碩士
1997.09-2011.07 東北師范大學 化學學院 化學教育專業 學士
1.國家自然科學基金(青年科學基金項目)“Pd-POM 二元催化劑的設計合成及其對醇選擇性氧化催化作用” (No.20801005),項目起止時間:
2.國家自然科學基金(面上項目)“幾種藥物分子的晶型設計構筑及其構動關系”(No. 21371024),項目起止時間: 2014.1-2017.12,主持。
[1]Dong J., Hu J. F., Chi Y. N.*, Lin Z. G., Zou B., Yang S., Hill L. C.*, Hu C. W.* A Polyoxoniobate-Polyoxovanadate Double-Anion Catalyst for Simultaneous Oxidative and Hydrolytic Decontamination of Chemical Warfare Agent Simulants. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017 (accepted manuscript No. 201700159).
[2]Hu J. F., Han T., Chi Y. N.* , Lin Z. G., Xu Y. Q., Yang S., Wei D., Zheng Y. Z., Hu C. W.* Sulfur-Centred Polyoxoniobate-based 3D Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Compound and its Magnetic Behavior. Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 10846-10849.
[3]Hu J. F., Wang Y., Zhang X. N., Chi Y. N.* , Yang S., Li J. K., Hu C. W.* Controllable Assembly of Vanadium-Containing Polyoxoniobate-Based Three-Dimensional Organic−Inorganic Hybrid Compounds and Their Photocatalytic Properties. Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 17501-7507.
[4]Yang Q. H., Ren T. M., Yang S., Li X. Q., Chi Y. N.*, Yang Y., Gu J. K.*, Hu C. W.* Synthesis and Pharmacokinetic Study of Three Gemfibrozil Salts: An Exploration of the Structure−Property Relationship. Cryst. Growth Des., 2016, 16, 6060−6068.
[5]Chi Y. N.* , Liu C. R., Ren T. M., Wang X. Y., Yang Q. H., Yang Z. C., Yang Y., Yang S., Gu J. K.*, Hu C. W.* Sodium Salts and Solvate of Rebamipide: Synthesis, Structure, and Pharmacokinetic Study. Cryst. Growth Des., 2016, 16, 3180−3189.
[6]Wang Y. J., Chi Y. N.* , Zhang W. W., Yang Q. H., Yang S., Su C., Lin Z. G., Gu J. K.*, Hu C. W.* Structural Diversity of Diosgenin Hydrates: Effect of Initial Concentration, Water Volume Fraction and Solvent on Crystallization. Cryst. Growth Des., 2016, 16, 1492-1501.
[7]Li J. K.; Huang X. Q.; Yang S.; Ma H. W.; Chi Y. N.*; Hu C. W.* Four Alkoxohexavanadate-Based Pd-Polyoxovanadates as Robust Heterogeneous Catalysts for Oxidation of Benzyl-Alkanes. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 54, 1454-1461.
[8]Chi Y. N.; Xu W. T.; Yang Y., Yang Z. C., Lv H. J., Yang S., Lin Z. G., Li J. K., Gu J. K.*, Hill L. C., Hu C. W.* Three Candesartan Salts with Enhanced Oral Bioavailability. Cryst. Growth Des., 2015, 15, 3707-3714. [9]
[10] Chi Y. N.; Shen P. P.; Cui F. Y.; Lin Z. G., Chen S. L.*; Hu C. W.*, Symmetry Breaking of α-[H2W12O40]6− Depends on the Transformation of Isopolyoxotungstates.
Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 5029-5036.
[11] Huang X. Q.; Zhang X. M.; Zhang D.; Yang S.; Feng X.; Li J. K.; Lin Z. G.; Cao J.; Pan R.; Chi Y. N.*; Wang B.*; Hu C. W.* Binary Pd-Polyoxometalates and Isolation of a Ternary Pd-V-Polyoxomolybdate Active Species for Selective Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols. Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 2557-2564.
[12]Wang X. F.; Cao J.; Huang K. L.; Xu Y. Q.; Chi Y. N.*, Hu C. W.*, 3D Coordination Polymer of [HW7O24]5– Stabilized by a Copper(II) Complex and Sodium Cations: Structure, Solid-State Stability, and Aqueous Solution Behavior, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2013, 1788-1792.
[13]Chi Y. N.; Cui F. Y.; Lin Z. G., Xu Y.; Ma X. Y.; Shen P. P.; Huang K. L.; Hu C. W.*, Assembly of Cu/Ag-quinoxaline-polyoxotungstate hybrids: Influence of Keggin and Wells–Dawson polyanions on the structure, J Solid State Chem., 2013, 199, 230-239.
[14]Chi Y. N., Cui F. Y. Jia A. H., Ma X. Y., Hu C. W.*, pH-dependent syntheses of copper-quinoxaline- polyoxotungatate hybrids: variable role of Keggin- type polyanion in different pH conditions, CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 3183-3188.
[15]Cui F. Y.; Huang K. L.; Ma X. Y.; Li C.; Han Z. G.; Gao Y. Z.; Liu X.; Chi Y. N.* ; Hu C. W.*, Transformation from [W6O19]2- to [W6O22]8- stabilized by Cu(II) complexation, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 5080–5083.
[16]Cui F. Y.; Ma X. Y.; Li C.; Dong T.; Gao Y. Z.; Han Z. G.; Chi Y. N.* ; Hu C. W.*, Two new organic–inorganic hybrid compounds based on metal-pyrazine coordination polymers and Keggin polyoxometalates: effect of metal ions on the structure, J Solid State Chem., 2010, 183, 2925-2931.
[17]Cui F. Y.; Huang K. L.; Xu Y. Q.; Chi Y. N.* ; Hu C. W.* Structural variability of Cd(II) and Co(II) mixed-ligand coordination polymers: effect of ligand isomerism and metal-to-ligand ratio, CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 2757-2769.
[18]Chi Y. N.; Cui F. Y.; Xu Y. Q.; Hu C. W.* Tuning Effect of 4,6-Dipyridyl-2-Aminopyrimidine Isomers on the Structural Dimensionalities and Motifs of Cu(I)-CN-Complexes. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2007, 4375-4384.
[19]Chi Y. N.; Huang K. L.; Zhang S. W.; Cui F. Y.; Xu Y. Q.; Hu C. W.* Self-assembly of a CsCl-like 3-D Supramolecular Network from [Zn6(HL)6(H2L)6]6+ Metal Metallamacrocycles and (H2O)20 Clusters (H2L = 4-(2-pyridyl)-6-(4-pyridyl)-2- aminopyrimidine). Cryst. Growth Des., 2007, 7, 2449-2453.
[20]Chi Y. N.; Huang K. L.; Cui F. Y.; Xu Y. Q.; Hu C. W.* The Structural Diversity of Silver(I) 4,6-Dipyridyl-2-Aminopyrimidine Complexes: Effect of Counteranions and Ligand Isomerism. Inorg. Chem., 2006, 45, 10605-10612.