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分類:導師信息 來源:清華大學環(huán)境學院 2018-05-15 相關院校:清華大學
姓 名: 梁 鵬
所在單位: 水環(huán)境保護教研所
職 稱: 副高級
郵寄地址: 清華大學環(huán)境學院
辦公電話: 010-62796790
電子郵件: liangpeng@tsinghua.edu.cn
2010.01~至今: 清華大學環(huán)境學院,副研究員
教 學 :
參與講授全校性選修課(實驗室科研探究)、專業(yè)課(水處理工程課程設計、專業(yè)實習)和水處理工程(網絡學堂,MOOC)、留學生英文課程(Wastewater and Drinking Water Treatment)等,參與兩門國家級精品課程的建設。
40050343 水處理工程課程設計
40050222 專業(yè)實習
40050455 水處理工程
70050293 Wastewater and Drinking Water Treatment
S1510021 實驗室科研探究(水污染控制生物技術與原理、污水資源化技術前沿)
00050071 環(huán)境保護與可持續(xù)發(fā)展
1. 污水處理原理與技術:深度脫氮除磷技術,高效生物反應器,脫鹽,污泥減量
2. 微生物電化學技術: 微生物燃料電池,微生物脫鹽電池,生物傳感器
1. 水污染控制,基金委優(yōu)秀青年基金項目,2015-2017,負責
2. 暫態(tài)對電極生物膜產電的調控及作用機制研究,自然基金(面上),2013-2016,負責
3. 微生物燃料電池產電與污水凈化耦合關鍵技術,863計劃重點課題,2011-2015,負責
4. 基于生物電化學系統(tǒng)暫態(tài)運行脫鹽工藝及其能量轉換促進機制,自主科研(清華),2013-2015,負責
5. 調控陰極生物膜促進微生物燃料產電的機制研究,自然基金(面上),2010-2012,負責
6. 利用碳納米管粉體提高微生物燃料電池產電的研究,教育部博士點基金,2009-2010,負責
7. 基于物質定向轉化/轉移的城市污水再生回用新技術原理,自然基金(重點),2013-2017,參與
8. 基于能源與資源回收的污水處理新工藝的合作研究,科技部國際合作, 2013-2015,參與
9. 污水處理系統(tǒng)區(qū)域優(yōu)化運行及城市面源削減技術示范,重大水專項,2011-2015,參與
10. 產業(yè)集中區(qū)排水系統(tǒng)優(yōu)化與減排控污技術研究與綜合示范,重大水專項, 2014-2016,參與
11. 多極分段A/O生物陰極型微生物燃料電池產電和同時脫氮技術研究,863計劃, 2009-2011,參與
12. 基于微生物燃料電池的創(chuàng)新性污水凈化與產電技術研究,科技部國際合作,2013-2015,參與
13. 快速城市化新區(qū)水環(huán)境綜合保護技術保障體系,重大水專項, 2008-2010,參與
7.Environmental Science &Technology年度最佳論文,2009年
1. Zhang C., Liang P.*, Jiang Y., Huang X. (2015) Enhanced power generation of microbial fuel cell using manganese dioxide-coated anode in flow-through mode. Journal of Power Sources. 273: 580-583.
2. Zuo K., Liu H., Zhang Q., Liang P., Huang X., Vecities D. (2015) A single-use paper-shaped microbial fuel cell for rapid aqueous biosensing. Chemsuschem. 8: 2035-2040.
3. Lu Z., Girguis P., Liang P., Shi S., Huang G., Cai K., Zhang L. Biological capacitance studies of anodes in microbial fuel cells using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. 38: 1325-1333.
4. Mo Y., Xiao K., Liang P., Huang X. (2015) Effect of nanofiltration membrane surface fouling on organic micro-pollutants rejection: the roles of aqueous transport and solid transport. Desalination. 367: 103-111.
5. Zhang J., Satti A., Chen X., Xiao K., Sun J., Yan X., Liang P., Zhang X., Huang X. (2015) Low-voltage electric field applied into MBR for fouling suppression: performance and mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal. 273: 223-230.
6. Jiang Y., Liang P.*, Zhang C. (2015) Enhancing the response of microbial fuel cell based toxicity sensors to Cu(II) with the applying of flow-through electrodes and controlled anode potentials. Bioresource Technology. 190: 367-372.
7. Liang P., Yuan L., Yang X. (2015) Influence of circuit arrangement on the performance of a microbial fuel cell driven capacitive deionization (MFC-CDI) system Desalination. 369: 68-74.
8. Wu S., Liang P., Zhang C., Li H., Zuo K., Huang X. (2015) Enhanced performance of microbial fuel cell at low substrate concentrations by adsorptive anode. Electrochimica Acta. 161: 245-251.
9. Zuo K., Liang S., Liang P.*, Zhou X., Sun D., Zhang X., Huang X. (2015) Carbon filtration cathode in microbial fuel cell to enhance wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology. 185: 426-430.
10. Yan X., Xiao K., Liang S., Lei T., Liang P., Xue T., Huang X. (2015) Hydraulic optimization of membrane bioreactor via baffle modification using computational fluid dynamics. Bioresource Technology. 175: 633-637.
11. Wang S., Liang P.*, Wu Z., Su F., Yuan L., Sun Y., Huang X. (2015) Mixed sulfur-iron particles packed reactor for simultaneous advanced removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from secondary effluent. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22 (1): 415-424.
12. Sun J. Y., Xiao K., Mo Y. H., Liang P.*, Shen Y. X., Zhu N. W., Huang X. (2014) Seasonal characteristics of supernatant organics and its effect on membrane fouling in a full-scale membrane bioreactor. Journal of Membrane Science. 453: 168-174.
13. Sun, Y., Shen, Y. X., Liang, P., Zhou, J., Yang, Y., Huang X. (2014) Linkages between microbial functional potential and wastewater constituents in large-scale membrane bioreactors for municipal wastewater treatment. Water Research. 56: 162-171.
14. Xiao K., Sun J., Mo Y., Fang Z., Liang P., Huang X., Ma B. (2014) Effect of membrane pore morphology on microfiltration organic fouling: PTFE/PVDF blend membranes compared with PVDF membranes. Desalination. 343: 217-225.
15. Liang S., Xiao K., Wu J., Liang P., Huang X. (2014) Mechanism of membrane filterability amelioration via tuning mixed liquor property by pre-ozonation. Journal of Membrane Science. 454: 111-118.
16. Xiao K., Shen Y. X., Liang S., Liang P., Wang X. M., Huang X. (2014) A systematic analysis of fouling evolution and irreversibility behaviors of MBR supernatant hydrophilic/hydrophobic fractions during microfiltration. Journal of Membrane Science. 467: 206-216.
17. Zhang J., Xiao K., Liang P., Waite T. D., Huang X. (2014) Electrically released iron for fouling control in membrane bioreactors: A double-edged sword? Desalination. 347: 10-14.
18. Zuo K. C., Cai J. X., Liang S., Wu S., Zhang C., Liang P.*, Huang X. (2014) A ten liter stacked microbial desalination cell packed with mixed ion-exchange resins for secondary effluent desalination. Environmental Science & Technology. 48 (16): 9917-9924.
19. Liang P., Yuan L. L., Yang X. F., Huang X. Zhou S. J. (2013) Coupling Ion-exchangers with Inexpensive Activated Carbon Fiber Electrodes to Enhance the Performance of Capacitive Deionization Cells for Domestic Wastewater Desalination. Water Research. 47: 2523-2530.
20. Liang P., Yuan L. L., Wu W. L., Yang X. F., Huang X. (2013) Enhanced performance of bio-cathode microbial fuel cells with the applying of transient-state operation modes. Bioresource Technology. 147: 228-233.
21. Liang P., Wei J. C., Li M., Huang X. (2013) Scaling up a novel denitrifying microbial fuel cell with an oxic-anoxic two stage biocathode. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 7 (6): 913-919..
22. Zuo K. C., Yuan L. L., Wei J. C., Liang P.*, Huang X. (2013) Competitive migration behaviors of multiple ions and their impacts on ion-exchange resin packed microbial desalination cell. Bioresource Technology. 146: 637-642.
23. Xia X., Zhang F., Zhang X. Y., Liang P., Huang X, Logan B. E. (2013) Use of pyrolyzed iron ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid modified activated carbon as air-cathode catalyst in microbial fuel cells. Applied Materials & Interfaces. 5 (16): 7862-7866.
24. Ren S. T., Xia X., Yuan L. L., Liang P.*, Huang X. (2013) Enhancing charge harvest from microbial fuel cells by controlling the charging and discharging frequency of capacitors. Bioresource Technology. 146: 812-815.
25. Xia X., Tokash J. C. , Zhang F, Liang P., Huang X, Logan B. E. (2013) Oxygen-reducing biocathodes operating with passive oxygen transfer in microbial fuel cells. Environmental Science & Technology. 47 (4): 2085-2091.
26. Zhang X. Y., Liang P., Shi J., Wei J. C., Huang X. (2013) Using a glass fiber separator in a single-chamber air-cathode microbial fuel cell shortens start-up time and improves anode performance at ambient and mesophilic temperatures. Bioresource Technology. 130: 529-535.
27. Zhang X. Y., Shi J., Liang P., Wei J. C., Huang X., Zhang C. Y., Logan B. E. (2013) Power generation by packed-bed air-cathode microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology. 142: 109-114.
28. Luo X., Nam J. Y., Zhang F., Zhang X. Y., Liang P., Huang X., Logan B. E. (2013) Optimization of membrane stack configuration for efficient hydrogen production in microbial reverse-electrodialysis electrolysis cells coupled with thermolytic solutions. Bioresource Technology. 140: 399-405.
29. Shen Y. X., Xiao K., Liang P., Ma Y. W., Huang X. (2013) Improvement on the modified Lowry method against interference of divalent cations in soluble protein measurement. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 97 (9): 4167-4178.
30. Shen Y. X., Xiao K., Liang P., Sun J. Y., Shai S. J., Huang X. (2012) Characterization of soluble microbial products in 10 large-scale membrane bioreactors for municipal wastewater treatment in China. Journal of Membrane Science. 415-416: 336-345.
31. Xia X., Sun Y. M., Liang P.*, Huang X. (2012) Long-term effect of set potential on biocathodes in microbial fuel cell: electrochemical and phylogenetic characterization. Bioresource Technology. 120: 26-33.
32. Yuan L. L., Yang X. F. Liang P.*, Wang L. Huang Z. H. Wei J. C., Huang X. (2012) Capacitive deionization coupled with microbial fuel cells to desalinate low-concentration salt water. Bioresource Technology. 110: 735-738.
33. Wei J. C., Liang P., Zuo K. C., Cao X. X., Huang X. (2012) Carbonization and activation of inexpensive semicoke-packed electrodes to enhance power generation of microbial fuel cells. ChemsusChem. 5 (6): 1065-1070.
34. Morel A., Zuo K., Xia X., Wei J. C., Luo X., Liang P.*, Huang X. (2012) Microbial desalination cells packed with ion-exchange resin to enhance water desalination rate. Bioresource Technology. 118: 43-48.
35. Luo X., Cao X. X., Mo Y. H., Xiao K., Zhang X. Y., Liang P.*, Huang X. (2012) Power generation by coupling reverse electrodialysis and ammonium bicarbonate: Implication for recovery of waste heat. Electrochemistry Communications. 19: 25-28.
36. Chen X., Liang P., Wei Z. M., Zhang X. Y., Huang X. (2012) Sustainable water desalination and electricity generation in a separator coupled stacked microbial desalination cell with buffer free electrolyte circulation. Bioresource Technology. 119: 88-93.
37. Liang P., Wu W., Wei J., Yuan L., Xia X., Huang X. (2011) Alternate charging and discharging of capacitor to enhance the electron production of bioelectrochemical systems. Environmental Science & Technology. 45 (15): 6647-6653.
38. Liang P., Wang H., Xia X., Huang X., Mo Y. H., Cao X. X., Fan M. Z. (2011) Carbon nanotube powders as electrode modifier to enhance the activity of anodic biofilm in microbial fuel cells. Biosensor & Bioelectronics. 26 (6): 3000-3004.
39. Chen X., Xia X., Liang P., Cao X. X., Sun H. T., Huang X. (2011) Stacked microbial desalination cells to enhance water desalination efficiency. Environmental Science & Technology. 45 (6): 2465-1470.
40. Sun Y., Wei J., Liang P., Huang X. (2011) Electricity generation and microbial community changes in microbial fuel cells packed with different anodic materials. Bioresource Technology. 102 (23): 10886-10891.
41. Wang L., Liang P., Zhang J., Huang X. (2011) Activity and stability of pyrolyzed iron ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid as cathode catalyst in microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology. 102 (8): 5093-5097.
42. Wei J., Liang P., Huang X. (2011) Recent progress in electrodes for microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology. 102 (20): 9335-9344.
43. Wei J., Liang P., Cao X., Huang X. (2011) Use of inexpensive semicoke and activated carbon as biocathode in microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology. 102 (22): 10431-10435.
44. Xie S., Liang P., Chen Y., Chen Y., Xia X., Huang X. (2011) Simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal using an oxic/anoxic-biocathode microbial fuel cells coupled system. Bioresource Technology. 102 (1): 348-354.
45. Zhang X., Cheng S., Liang P., Huang X., Logan B. E. (2011) Scalable air cathode microbial fuel cells using glass fiber separators, plastic mesh supporters, and graphite fiber brush anodes. Bioresource Technology. 102 (1): 372-375.
46. Zhang X., Sun H., Liang P., Huang X., Chen X., Logan B. E. (2011) Air-cathode structure optimization in separator-coupled microbial fuel cells. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 30 (1): 267-271.
47. Xia X., Cao X., Liang P., et al. (2010) Electricity generation from glucose by a Klebsiella sp in microbial fuel cells. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 87 (1): 383-390.
48. Wei J., Liang P., Cao X., Huang X. (2010) A New Insight into Potential Regulation on Growth and Power Generation of Geobacter sulfurreducens in Microbial Fuel Cells Based on Energy Viewpoint. Environmental Science & Technology. 44 (8): 3187-3191.
49. Mo Y., Liang P., Huang X., Wang H., Cao X. (2009) Enhancing the stability of power generation of single-chamber microbial fuel cells using an anion exchange membrane. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 84 (12): 1767-1772.
50. Cao X., Huang X., Zhang X., Liang P., Fan M. (2009) A mini-microbial fuel cell for voltage testing of exoelectrogenic bacteria. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China. 3 (3): 307-312.
51. Cao X., Huang X., Liang P., Xiao K., Zhou Y., Zhang X., Logan B. E. (2009) A new method for water desalination using microbial desalination cells. Environmental Science & Technology. 43 (18): 7148-7152.
52. Cao X., Fan M., Liang P., Huang X. (2009) Effects of anode potential on the electricity generation performance of Geobacter Sulfurreducens. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities--Chinese. 30 (5): 983-987.
53. Liang P., Fan M., Cao X., Huang X. (2009) Evaluation of applied cathode potential to enhance biocathode in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 84 (5): 794-799.
54. Cao X., Huang X., Liang P., Boon N., Fan M., Zhang L., Zhang X. (2009) A completely anoxic microbial fuel cell using a photo-biocathode for cathodic carbon dioxide reduction. Energy & Environmental Science. 2 (5): 498-501.
55. Cao X., Huang X., Zhang X., Liang P., Fan M. (2008) Electricity generation by an enriched phototrophic consortium in a microbial fuel cell. Electrochemistry Communications. 10 (9): 1392-1395.
56. Liang P., Huang X., Fan M., Cao X., Wang C. (2007) Composition and distribution of internal resistance in three types of microbial fuel cells. Applied Microbioligy and Biotechnology. 77 (3): 551-558.
57. Huang X., Meng Y., Liang P., Qian Y. (2007) Operational conditions of a membrane filtration reactor coupled with photocatalytic oxidation. Separation and Purification Technology. 55 (2): 165-172.
58. Huang X., Liang P., Qian Y. (2007) Excess sludge reduction induced by tubifex tubifex in a recycled sludge reactor. Journal of Biotechnology. 127 (3): 443-451.
59. Liang P., Huang X., Qian Y. (2006) Excess sludge reduction in activated sludge process through predation of Aeolosoma hemprichi. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 28 (2): 117-122.
60. Liang P., Huang X., Qian Y., Wei Y., Ding G. (2006) Determination and comparison of sludge reduction rates caused by microfaunas' predation. Bioresource Technology. 97 (6): 854-861.
1. 李暉,邵林廣,趙岫章,伍世嘉,梁鵬*,黃霞. (2015) 填料型微生物燃料電池的歐姆阻力分析. 中國給水排水. 31(3): 24-27.
2. 張洪雷,方舟,艾立江.努爾拉,蘇曉磊,梁鵬,黃霞. (2013) 兩級A/O填料型MBR工藝的脫氮除磷效果. 中國給水排水. 29(13): 42-46.
3 .梁鵬,郭超,黃霞. (2013) 污泥水解液基質微生物燃料電池的研究. 電化學. 19(4): 332-335.
4. 羅希,梁鵬,曹效鑫,張瀟源,黃霞. (2013) 碳酸氫銨-反向電滲析模塊構型研究. 膜科學與技術. 6(33): 6-12.
5. 王波,梁鵬*,袁璐璐,黃霞,張傳義. (2013) 離子膜在填料型微生物燃料電池中的應用. 中國給水排水. 29(7): 29-36.
6. 李明,邵林廣,梁鵬*,袁璐璐,黃霞. (2013) 集電方式對填料型微生物燃料電池性能的影響. 中國給水排水. 29(9): 24-28.
7. 曹效鑫,梁鵬,范明志,黃霞. (2012) 用于產電純菌研究的MFC反應器的開發(fā). 中國給水排水. 28(7): 96-100.
8. 曹新,邵林廣,梁鵬,黃霞. (2012) 新型滴濾式生物陰極微生物燃料電池的性能研究. 中國給水排水. 28(9): 40-43.
9. 王慧勇,呼喚,梁鵬. (2012) 不同來源菌群接種微生物燃料電池處理淀粉廢水的研究. 工業(yè)水處理. 32(7): 60-63.
10. 王慧勇,梁鵬,黃霞. (2011) 表面改性碳納米管粉體在微生物燃料電池中的應用. 中國給水排水. 27(11): 37-40.
11. 謝珊,梁鵬,李亮,黃霞. (2011) 好氧/缺氧生物陰極型微生物燃料電池組合工藝處理含氮廢水的研究. 廣東化工. 6(38): 126-127.
12. 謝珊,梁鵬,李亮,黃霞. (2011) 兩瓶型微生物燃料電池處理垃圾滲濾液的研究. 中國給水排水. 27(15): 16-20.
13. 劉艷臣,張書軍,沈悅嘯,梁鵬,黃霞,施漢昌. (2011) 快速城市化進程中排水管網運行管理的技術思考與展望. 中國給水排水. 27(18): 9-12.
14. 謝珊,陳陽,梁鵬,黃霞. (2010) 好氧生物陰極型微生物燃料電池的同時硝化和產電的研究. 31(7): 1601-1606.
15. 鐘登杰,黃霞,梁鵬,夏雪. (2010) 生物陰極微生物燃料電池產電性能的研究. 中國給水排水. 26(1): 9-12.
16. 張玲,梁鵬,黃霞,鄭旭煦. (2010) 生物陰極型微生物燃料電池研究進展. 環(huán)境科學與技術. 33(11): 110-114.
17. 梁鵬,張玲,黃霞,范明志,曹效鑫. (2010) 雙筒型微生物燃料電池生物陰極反硝化研究. 環(huán)境科學. 31(8): 1932-1936.
18. 梁鵬,王慧勇,黃霞,曹效鑫,莫穎慧. (2009) 環(huán)境因素對接種Shewanella baltica的微生物燃料電池產電能力的影響. 環(huán)境科學. 30(7): 2148-2152.
19. 梁鵬,黃霞,范明志,曹效鑫,崔岳. (2009) 雙筒型微生物燃料電池產電及污水凈化特性的研究. 環(huán)境科學. 30 (2): 616-620.
20. 鐘登杰,陳陽,梁鵬,曹效鑫,黃霞. (2009) 陽極厚度對填料型微生物燃料電池產電性能的影響. 中國給水排水. 25 (7): 9-12.
21. 王慧勇,梁鵬,黃霞,王曉昌. (2009) 微生物燃料電池中產電微生物電子傳遞研究進展. 環(huán)境保護科學. 35(1): 17-35.
22. 曹效鑫,范明志,梁鵬,黃霞. (2009) 陽極電勢對Geobacter sulfurreducens產電性能的影響. 高等學校化學學報. 30(5): 983-987.
23. 梁鵬,范明志,曹效鑫,黃霞,彭尹明,王碩,鞏前明,梁吉. (2008) 碳納米管陽極微生物燃料電池產電特性的研究. 環(huán)境科學. 29 (8): 2356-2360.
24. 梁鵬,范明志,曹效鑫,黃霞,黃正宏,王誠. (2008) 填料型微生物燃料電池產電特性的研究. 環(huán)境科學. 29 (2): 512-517.
25. 范明志,梁鵬,曹效鑫,黃霞. (2008) 陽極初始電勢對微生物燃料電池產電的影響. 環(huán)境科學. 29 (1): 263-267.
26. 梁鵬,范明志,曹效鑫,黃霞,王誠. (2007) 微生物燃料電池表觀內阻的構成和測量. 環(huán)境科學. 28 (8): 1894-1898.
27. 黃霞,范明志,梁鵬,曹效鑫. (2007) 微生物燃料電池陽極特性對產電性能的影響. 中國給水排水. 23 (3): 8-13.
28. 汪舒怡,汪誠文,梁鵬,黃霞. (2007) 膜曝氣生物反應器的除碳脫氮特性研究. 中國給水排水. 23 (9): 40-43.
29. 梁鵬,楊乃鵬,黃霞. (2007) 新型搖動填料生物膜反應器處理生活污水的試驗研究. 給水排水. 33 (8): 19-22.
30. 黃霞,梁鵬,曹效鑫,范明志. (2007) 無介體微生物燃料電池的研究進展. 中國給水排水. 23(4): 1-6.
31. 李舒淵,黃霞,梁鵬. (2007) 鐵陽極電凝聚法除磷條件初探. 給水排水. 33: 94-98.
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5. 基于微生物燃料電池原理的水污染生物預警系統(tǒng)和方法(ZL 201010188589.4)
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