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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2016-05-27 相關院校:中國計量大學
姓名: | 韓建強 | 性別: | 男 | 學位: | 博士 |
職稱: | 教授 | 一級學科: | 控制科學與工程 | 二級學科: | 檢測技術與自動化裝置 |
二級學院: | 機電工程學院 | 一級學科2: | 電子科學與技術 | 二級學科2: | 微電子學與固體電子學 |
研究方向: | 微型傳感器; 檢測技術; 傳感器測試電路 | 辦公地點: | 賽博南樓101 | ||
辦公電話: | 0571-86875664 | 移動電話: | 18868765369 | Email: | hjqsmx@163.com |
(2)國家自然科學基金面上項目—新型薄膜熱電變換器熱電轉換理論及制作工藝研究(51377025)。 (3)浙江省高等學校中青年學科帶頭人學術攀登項目—基于掩膜—無掩膜腐蝕工藝的諧振式加速度計設計理論與關鍵技術研究。 (4)浙江省“儀器科學與技術”重中之重學科開放基金—新型高靈敏度熱流量傳感器理論及關鍵技術研究。 |
2007年入選浙江省新世紀151人才 2013年入選浙江省中青年學科帶頭人。 |
1、Han Jianqiang(韓建強), Feng Ri-sheng, Li Yan, Li Sen-lin, Li Qing, Microfabrication technology for non-coplanar resonant beams and crab-leg supporting beams of dual-axis bulk micromachined resonant accelerometers, J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2013 14(1):65-74. (SCI:068MB).
2、Han Jianqiang, Wang Xiaofei, Yan Tianhong, et al, A Novel Method of Temperature Compensation for Piezoresistive Microcantilever-Based Sensors, Rev. Sci. Instrum, 2012,83(3):035002~035002 -6.(SCI:918CU) 3、Han Jianqiang, Mao Chuanlin, Zhong Qing, New Thin-Film Multijunction Thermal Converter Based on P+ Polysilicon/Al thermocouples, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2011,128: 8-13.(SCI:847YK;EI:20121114 858013) 4、Han Jianqiang, Song Meixuan, Wang Xiaofei, Li Qing, Wet Etching Silicon Nitride Films Deposited by PECVD in Doped TMAH Solutions, Advanced materials Research,2012, Vol: 465,1-7. (EI:20120914822209) 5、Han Jianqiang, Song Meixuan, Wang Xiaofei, Li Qing, Dependence of the Resonance Frequency of Mircobridge Resonators on the Thermal Power and Vacuum, Advanced materials Research,2012, Vol: 465, 14- 22.(EI:20120914822211) 6.Han Jianqiang, Zhu Changchun,Liu Junhua et al, Dependence of the resonance frequency of thermally excited microcantilever resonators on temperature, Sensors and Actuators A,2002,101: 37-41.(SCI: 599QC;EI:03097375506) 7. Han Jianqiang, Zhu Changchun,Liu Junhua1 et al,A novel temperature compensating structure for micromechanical bridge resonator, J. Micromech. Microeng. 15 (2005) : 702-705.(SCI: 920SC;EI:05189078135) 8. Han Jianqiang, Li Xinxin,Wang Yuelin,et al,AFM probes fabricated with masked-maskless combined anisotropic etching and p+ surface doping, J. Micromech. Microeng. 16 (2006): 198-204. (SCI:017DJ;EI: 06059674764) 9. Han Jianqiang, Lu Shaoyong, Li Qing, et al, Anisotropic Wet Etching Silicon Tips of Small Opening Angle in KOH Solution with the additions of I2/KI, Sensors and Actuators A,152 (2009) 75–79. (SCI:452DH;EI:20092012080323) 10. Han Jianqiang, Wang Xiaofei, Yan Tianhong, et al, A Novel Method of Temperature Compensation for Piezoresistive Microcantilever-Based Sensors, Rev. Sci. Instrum, 2012,83(3):035002~035002 -6.(SCI:918CU) 11.Han Jianqiang, Zhu Changchun, Liu Junhua et al,A novel voltage-controlled oscillator realized with a microresonator, Solid state electron,2005,49 (1):63-66. (SCI:879LX;EI:04518718804) 12.Li Xinxin, Han Jianqiang, Bao Haifei,et al,Integrated SPM probes with NEMS technology, Sensors and Actuators A, 2007,133:383-387.(EI:070510399316) 13.Han Jianqiang, Zhu Changchun,Liu Junhua et al,A micromechanical bridge shape voltage- controlled oscillator,Science in China Ser. E Technological Sciences 2004 Vol.47 No.1 26-32. (SCI:773XQ) 14.Han Jianqiang, Mao Chuanlin, Zhong Qing, New Thin-Film Multijunction Thermal Converter Based on P+ Polysilicon/Al thermocouples, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2011,128: 8-13.(SCI:847YK;EI:20121114 858013) 15.Han Jianqiang, Li Xinxin, Bao Haifei et al,High-yield fabrication of AFM probes with simultaneous formation of both nano-tips and cantilever, IEEE sensors, 30 Oct.~3 Nov. 2005,223-226.(EI) 16、8. Jianqiang Han*, YiMao Yu, Sen Li, Qing Li,Maskless Wet Etching Silicon in Iodine-supersaturated KOH Solution, IEEE Sensors Journal. 2015,15(8):4708-4711(SCI) |
2、基于微橋諧振器的新型紅外探測器理論及關鍵技術研究,浙江省自然科學基金(Y1080072) |
2000年3月-2003年9月 西安交通大學獲微電子學與固態電子學專業博士學位
2004年2月-2006年2月 傳感技術國家重點實驗室博士后; 2006年2月—今 中國計量學院教師 |