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Benefit 利益,好處
Balance 結余;余款 This year’s profit will balance our previous losses. Bond 債券,契約 My father put all his money into stock market bonds. Brisk 生氣勃勃的,興隆的 The public bar was already doing a brisk business. Budget 預算;做預算 Budget office 預算局 cut down the budget Cancel 相互抵消 cancel out 抵償 The losses in our overseas division have cancelled out the profits made in the home market. Bubble 泡沫,幻影 Bubble economy Curb 抑制 The government introduced new measures aimed at curbing inflation. Currency 貨幣 The Euro will ultimately replace European national currencies. Decline 下滑 Computer sales declined 6.8 percent this year. Deficit 赤字,逆差 A budget deficit a trade deficit Depress 使經濟蕭條 Several factors combined to depress the Japan’s economy. Dividend 紅利,股息 The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. Drastic 嚴厲的 A drastic reduction in employment Inflation 通貨膨脹 Inflation rate Issue 發行 Issue shares Levy 征收稅 Levy a tax on firms Foam 泡沫 Foam economy Rate 價格,費用 Saving 儲蓄,存款;節約的; Bank savings Item 物品,商品 You can get its items you want in our supermarket. Installment 分期付款 Buy goods on the installment plan have become quite popular in recent years. Merchandise 商品 貨物 Monopoly 壟斷,專賣 The telecommunication service in the country is a government 沒monopoly. Premium (投保人向保險公司支付的) 保險金;獎金;額外津貼 Insurance premium premium system Promote 促銷,推銷 Mr.Miller is going to London to promote his company’s new product. Refund 退還,償還 One can return the purchase within 15 days for a full refund. Turnover 成交量,營業額 Trademark 商標 |
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