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王定勇 http://zihuan.swu.edu.cn/viscms/u/cms/zihuan/201412/20000658vtwe.JPG 簡歷:王定勇,男,1964年生,2001年畢業(yè)于西南農業(yè)大學并獲土壤學博士學位,F(xiàn)任西南大學教授、博士研究生導師,農業(yè)部農業(yè)環(huán)保研究室主任、重慶市農業(yè)資源與環(huán)境研究重點實驗室副主任,重慶市生態(tài)學會常務理事,重慶環(huán)境科學學會、重慶土壤學會、重慶色譜學會理事。先后在瑞典Chalmers University of Technology、Göteberg University、日本北海道大學進修,并多次赴美國、加拿大、瑞典、英國、日本、斯洛文尼亞等國進行訪問或合作研究。 主要研究方向: 環(huán)境污染化學、環(huán)境生態(tài)學 教學及獲獎情況: 先后主要講授的研究生課程有《環(huán)境化學》、《環(huán)境工程化學》、《環(huán)境分析技術》,本科生課程有《環(huán)境監(jiān)測》、《環(huán)境質量評價》、《環(huán)境生態(tài)學》、《環(huán)境學導論》、《儀器分析》、《環(huán)境土壤學》等;副主編面向21世紀教材2部,參編農業(yè)部規(guī)劃教材2部;獲得校級優(yōu)秀教師稱號3次。 已培養(yǎng)碩士研究生50名(其中留學生1名)、專業(yè)碩士7名、培養(yǎng)博士生7名,指導的碩士生獲重慶市優(yōu)秀碩士論文3篇、校級優(yōu)秀碩士論文6篇,并獲!笆晃濉眱(yōu)秀研究生導師稱號,F(xiàn)有在讀碩士生12名、博士生6名。
科研及獲獎情況: 先后主持科研課題30余項,其中國家重點基礎研究發(fā)展計劃(973計劃)課題1項、國家科技支撐計劃課題1項、國家自然基金面上項目5項、國際合作項目2項,參加各類科研課題30余項,發(fā)表論文100余篇,申請發(fā)明專利5項,已授權4項,獲重慶市科技成果二等獎3項、三等獎2項,全國環(huán)境科學青年科技獎1項。 主持的主要科研項目: [1] 國家重點基礎研究發(fā)展計劃(973計劃)課題:典型區(qū)域汞污染特征和環(huán)境效應(2012-2015,項目編號:2013CB430004,經費650萬) [2] 國家自然科學基金面上項目:三峽水庫消落帶季節(jié)性植被對土壤(底泥)汞的活化效應研究(2014-2017,項目編號:41373113,經費90萬) [3] 國家自然科學基金面上項目:三峽水庫消落區(qū)土壤汞的甲基化及其釋放特征(2012-2015,項目編號:41173116,經費72萬) [4] 國家自然科學基金面上項目:汞在三峽水庫消落帶中的轉化與釋放特征及其生態(tài)效應(2010-2012,項目編號:40973079,經費46萬) [5] 國家自然科學基金面上項目:溶解性有機物對土—水系統(tǒng)汞釋放的影響及其機制研究(2007-2009,項目編號:40673063,經費31萬) [6] 國家自然科學基金面上項目:干濕交替環(huán)境下土壤汞動態(tài)與釋放通量研究(2006-2008,項目編號:40573065,經費33萬) [7] 國家科技支撐計劃:秸稈沙質土壤改良材料與產業(yè)化示范(2007-2010,項目編號:2007BAD39B02,經費1597萬) [8] 農業(yè)部公益性行業(yè)科研專項:南方山地丘陵區(qū)面源污染監(jiān)測與氮磷投入閾值研究(2010-2014,項目編號:201003014-6-3,經費80萬) [9] 國家環(huán)?偩謱m棧褐貞c市土壤污染現(xiàn)狀調查與治理(2006-2009,經費180萬) [10] 國際合作項目:Health Impacts of Mercury Cycling in Contaminated Environment Studied by Nuclear Techniques. Co-ordinated Research Project of International Atomic Energy Agency. 32000USD, 1999-2004. Contract Number 302-E4-CPR-10874. 近5年代表性論文: [1] Rongguo Sun, Dingyong Wang*, Wen Mao, Tong Zhang, Ming Ma and Cheng Zhang. Diurnal Characteristics of Migration and Transformation of Mercury and Effects of Nitrate in Jialing River, Chongqing, China. Chemosphere, 2015, 119:634-641. (SCI收錄) [2] Yongmin Wang, Yulong Peng, Dingyong Wang*, Cheng Zhang. Wet deposition fluxes of total mercury and methylmercury in core urban areas, Chongqing, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2014, 92:87-96.(SCI收錄) [3] Y. M. Wang, D. Y. Wang*, B. Meng, Y. L. Peng, L. Zhao, and J. S. Zhu. Spatial and temporal distributions of total and methyl mercury in precipitation in core urban areas, Chongqing, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2012, 12:9417-9426. (SCI收錄) [4] Rongguo Sun, Dingyong Wang*, Yutao Zhang, Wen Mao, Tong Zhang, Ming Ma and Cheng Zhang. Photo-degradation of monomethylmercury in the presence of chloride ion. Chemosphere, 2013, 91(11):1471-1476. (SCI收錄) [5] Ming Ma, Dingyong Wang*, Rongguo Sun, Yuanyuan Shen, Lixing Huang. Gaseous mercury emissions from subtropical forested and open field soils in a national nature reserve, southwest China. Atmospheric Environment, 2013, 64:116-123. (SCI收錄) [6] Rongguo Sun, Dingyong Wang*, Wen Mao, Shibo Zhao, Cheng Zhang. Roles of chloride ion in photo-reduction/oxidation of mercury. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(27): 3390-3397. (SCI收錄) [7] Yuping Xiang, Hongxia Du, Hong Shen*, Cheng Zhang, Dingyong Wang*. Dynamics of total culturable bacteria and its relationship with methylmercury in the soils of the water level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(24): 2966-2972. (SCI收錄) [8] Zhu J S, Wang D Y*, Ma M. Mercury release flux and its influencing factors at the air -water interface in paddy field in Chongqing, China. Chinese Science Bulltin, 2013, 58(2):266-274. (SCI收錄) [1] Ming Ma, Dingyong Wang*, Tao Sun, Zheng Zhao, Hongxia Du. Forest runoff increase mercury output from subtropical forest catchments: an example from an alpine reservoir in a national nature reserve (southwestern China). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22:2745-2756. (SCI收錄) [9] Zheng Zhao, Dingyong Wang*, Ya Wang, Zhijian Mu, Jinshan Zhu. Wet deposition flux and runoff output flux of mercury in a typical small agricultural watershed in Three Gorges Reservoir areas. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22:5538-5551. (SCI收錄) [10] Peng Liang, Cheng Zhang, Yongkui Yang, Dingyong Wang*. A simulation study of mercury release fluxes from soils in wet-dry rotation environment. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014, 26(7):1445-1452. (SCI收錄) [11] Yutao Zhang, Rongguo Sun, Ming Ma, Dingyong Wang*. Study of inhibition mechanism of NO3- on photoreduction of Hg(II) in artificial water. Chemosphere, 2012, 87:171-176. (SCI收錄) [12] Jinshan Zhu, Dingyong Wang*, Xiao Liu, Yutong Zhang. Mercury fluxes from air/surface interfaces in paddy field and dry land. Applied Geochemistry, 2011, 26:249-255. (SCI收錄) [13] Yutao Zhang, Xi Chen, Yongkui Yang, Dingyong Wang*, Xiao Liu. Effect of dissolved organic matter on mercury release from water body. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2011, 23(6):912-917. (SCI收錄) [14] Xiulan Zhao, Dingyong Wang. Mercury in some chemical fertilizers and the effect of calcium superphosphate on mercury uptake by corn seedlings (Zea mays L.). Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2010, 22(8):1184-1188. (SCI收錄) [15] Yongkui Yang, Hong Chen, Dingyong Wang*. Spatial and temporal distribution of gaseous elemental mercury in Chongqing, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2009, 156: 479-489. (SCI收錄) [16] Shou-Qin Sun, Ding-Yong Wang, Ming He, and Cheng Zhang. Monitoring of atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Chongqing, China—based on moss bag technique. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2009, 148: 1-9. (SCI收錄) [17] YANG Yong-kui, LIANG Li, WANG Ding-yong*. Effect of dissolved organic matter on adsorption and desorption of mercury by soils. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2008, 20(9):1097-1102. (SCI收錄) [18] Bo Meng, Xinbin Feng, Guangle Qiu, Yong Cai, Dingyong Wang, Ping Li, Lihai Shang, and Jonas Sommar. Distribution Patterns of Inorganic Mercury and Methylmercury in Tissues of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plants and Possible Bioaccumulation Pathways. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58(8):4951-4958.(SCI收錄)
發(fā)明專利: [1] 王定勇,趙秀蘭,韋武思,朱金山,石孝均,陳宏. 提高沙質土壤抗蒸發(fā)及保水能力的方法(專利號:ZL201010574785.5). [2] 王定勇,陳宏,李俊穎,趙秀蘭,石孝均. 一種快速提高沙質土壤水穩(wěn)性團聚體的方法(專利號:ZL201010574761.X). [3] 王定勇,陳宏,朱金山,石孝均,趙秀蘭,李佳佳. 一種改良沙質土壤的方法(專利號:ZL201010574772.8). [4] 石孝均,謝會川,楊超,王定勇,徐宸,馬嘯. 一種煙草專用的多功能復合肥及其制備方法(專利號:ZL201010292497.0). [5] 張進忠,王定勇,周欣,邱鑫凱. 一種去除廢水中汞的方法(ZL201310297414.0).
聯(lián)系地址:400716,重慶北碚,西南大學資源環(huán)境學院 電 傳 E-mail:dywang@swu.edu.cn;swu_dywang@163.com |
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